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Know and manage your workload

Any job that you find yourself in has a workload to which you have to adhere to. But this workload can either have you shaking at the knees or ensure that everything is done as it needs and when it needs to be done. When the workload feels overwhelmingly large, it will cause more stress and sometimes even have you question your ability to do the job you were appointed to do.

Knowing your workload and knowing how to manage it, will not only make you more productive in completing your set out tasks and keep you focused on what is important. Planning, environment, and habits are just some of the tips on focus.

Only one task at a time.

You need to make sure that you concentrate on only one task at a time. Studies have shown that it is a myth about people being able to multitask. You are only shifting your focus from one task to the next. If necessary, create a tick list that can help you keep track of all the tasks to be done. Focusing on only one task on the list and completing that one task will multiply your productivity.

Take a short break

Research has shown that working for 25 minutes without distractions and then taking a 5-minute break creates a more productive environment. Just like our bodies need time to rest between exercises. Our brains also need to take short breaks to be able to remember important information and work more effectively. When working in front of a computer the whole day, these 5-minutes breaks can be used to stress your legs to revitalize your body.

Declutter your work environment

Ensuring that you have a work environment that is free from distractions like noise and even a cluttered table, will help with managing your workload. If necessary you can put on headphones with white noise playing. It is proven that white noise makes focusing on a task easier. It relaxes the mind to be able to concentrate on the task at hand. When working from home ensure you have a separate workspace like in a study.

Plan your deadlines

Plan what you need to do and when the deadlines are. Write down what you need to do and by when it should be finished. If you need a lot of time to be able to do some of the work, make sure that you give yourself enough time to complete the task. If you work best when under pressure you can reduce the time you give yourself to complete the task. When planning your deadlines remember to keep in mind that unexpected things can also happen.

Create good habits

Create good habits like switching off your phone or even putting it in another room to keep you from looking at it too much. When you keep your phone close to you, you will be tempted to look at your phone every time it makes a sound like a message coming in. When your phone is in another room you can use your 5-minute breaks to check your messages and emails on the phone.

Productive mornings

Try to do most of the work in the mornings. Research has proven that most people are more productive in the mornings than in the afternoons. Use the time in the mornings to complete more difficult or think-intensive tasks and leave the easier tasks for the afternoon, when you are starting to become more tired.

In conclusion

Knowing and managing your workload will keep you focused on what is important and make you more productive in your job. When changing your habits on how you are managing your workload, you will find that work-related stress is reduced a lot, making you not only feel more positive about your job but also about your ability to do the job. Don’t punish yourself if you were not able to complete everything in one day. If you did not complete your list of tasks in one day, you can always add it to the list for the next day. Just do not procrastinate on that task every day, then you will not complete it at all.