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How To Play Kabaddi: The Rules of The Game

The famous contact sport known as “kabaddi” has its roots in ancient India. It is played all around the nation and is a recognized sport in several Indian states. Outside of India, it is a well-liked activity in Iran, the national sport of Bangladesh, and one of the sports of Nepal, where it is taught in all public schools. It is also a well-liked pastime in Iran.

 The game of Kabaddi is well-liked elsewhere in the world. However, the game of Kabaddi has several regional variations in India, which all understand the game and its rules slightly differently. Even though they may not be true Kabaddi, other remarkably similar games exist in India and other nations.

One of the uncommon sports that may be played without any special gear is this one. Kabaddi regulations are relatively straightforward, just like the game itself. So let’s take a look at the game’s rules.


Kabaddi court: playing area dimensions

According to kabaddi rules, a competitive men’s kabaddi court is 13 m by 10 m in size. The women’s court is smaller and measures 12 by 8 meters. However, the measurements for international and local competitions may vary slightly. The midline separates the field into two sections and marks the boundaries of each team’s region. Opposition raiders must cross the midline to begin a raid.

Kabaddi’s point system for scoring

A raider must contact a defender in the opposing team’s half to score a point and then return unharmed to his half.

If the raider successfully returns to his half after earning a touch point, each player he touches is counted as a single point and must leave the mat. For the attack to be effective, the raider must also sing “kabaddi” nonstop.

 In addition to earning bonus points for successfully crossing the bonus line with one foot in the air and the other across the bar while six or more defenders are on the mat, a raider has a maximum of 30 seconds to accomplish a raid.

The defending team scores a point, and the raider is ruled out if the defenders successfully stop the raider before he crosses the midline. A squad can restore their players in the same order as their dismissal with every raid point they earn. You can check here and see how you can place bets with Parimatch as the teams play the game live.

Golden Raid

 A new toss will be held before the Golden Raid, and the team that wins it will have the opportunity to raid. The balk line will then serve as the bonus line, with each team fielding seven players.


Along with the touches the player takes on the defenders, the raiding team will receive added points if the player crosses the line. If the player who launches the raid first scores even one point, his team triumphs.

Only The points scored during the Golden Raid are tallied; the out and resurrection rules do not apply. In the event of a temporary player suspension during the tiebreaker, that side will play with fewer players. These players will eventually be included while calculating bonus points.

Usually, the flip of a coin will decide the match’s outcome if the score is still tied after both sides have attempted Golden Raids.

Match Duration

Usually, a kabaddi match lasts forty minutes (two halves of 20 minutes each). The victor of the coin toss between the two teams decides whether to raid or defend first to start the game. In each half, two timeouts are permitted for each group.

Players in Kabaddi

In a kabaddi match, there are seven players on each team. Additionally, each club is allowed three to five reserve players.

Age requirements

 The Senior Men & Women age group is open. Therefore any player of any age is permitted to compete in the senior division. Junior Boys & Girls’ maximum age limit is 20 Years or below. On the event’s final day, Sub Junior Boys and Girls must be 16 years old or younger.

Team Rules in Kabaddi

Every other turn, either side may send one player to the other team’s side. While every member of the opposing team is referred to as a defender, this player is known as the raider. The first and most important guideline is this. The raiders should exhale and chant “kabaddi kabaddi” continuously. For each raid, 30 seconds are available.


The opposing team then scores one point if the raider is eliminated for failing to get to his half in time. A tagged player’s job is to organize the raider and keep them from getting to the middle of the field. When a defender makes a tackle to stop a raider from turning around, they are given one point. Defenders must exercise caution when attempting to catch the defender so as not to cross the field’s middle, often known as “the lobby,” as doing so may result in a foul.

Kabaddi fouls and penalties

Rules and regulations for Kabaddi. The ability to keep the game orderly is vested in the referee and the umpires. They have the authority to temporarily suspend or disqualify any player or team from breaking the game’s laws, warn the teams, and declare technical points against them. The referee and the umpire can issue warnings to a player, coach, manager, or team using cards of various colors. In addition, they have the authority to debar a player, coach, manager, or group from the competition or suspend them from the game.


The game of Kabaddi is genuinely remarkable. No specific equipment, attire, or accessories are required. It is one of the few games that can be played inside and outside. So what are you waiting for now that you have access to the kabaddi rules book for this sport? Get up and start using Parimatch, the top sportsbook where you can place bets on various sports.