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How is Rainsford like Zaroff?

Both have served in the military, both are able hunters, and both come from considerable means. However, Zaroff treats his quarry with much more respect than Rainsford, while Rainsford still holds human life as precious.

What details from the narration relate Rainsford’s impression of Zaroff check all that apply?

Rainsford narrates that General Zaroff had the face of an aristocrat. He also observed that there was a bizzare quality about his face. Rainsford writes that his eyes were black and bright at the same time.

What does Rainsford say about General Zaroff?

Rainsford clearly considers himself superior to Zaroff as a human being. What evidence in the story supports this idea? “Hunting? Good God, General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder” (49), which is what Rainsford says when he first realizes exactly what Zaroff is doing on the island.

What character traits describe Rainsford?

Sanger Rainsford’s physical fitness and strength and levelheadedness are important character traits. These abilities help him immensely in his survival throughout the story. Also, due to his experiences, he is a dynamic character because he changes and grows throughout the story.

What are Zaroff’s character traits?

General Zaroff is very intelligent and devious throughout the play. He shows his intelligence by how he tricks human beings into thinking that he, General Zaroff, is a caring, thoughtful, and a kind man. …

What does this piece of dialogue reveal about Rainsford’s character?

What does this line of dialogue reveal about Rainsford’s character? He is a rational man who is unaffected by superstition.

Which details from the excerpt help the reader to visualize Rainsford’s hiding spot?

Which details from the excerpt help the reader to visualize Rainsford’s hiding spot? Devin slept soundly, dreaming of his baseball tournament. He had loaded his gear bag the night before with his bat, glove, and sunflower seeds.

What does Rainsford say that indicates he admires the hunter?

He enjoys the thrill of hunting. Inconsiderate to the animals themselves, he comes from money, and he feels he is on the “top of the food chain.”

How does General Zaroff know who Rainsford is what can you infer about Zaroff by this?

What can you infer about Zaroff by this? General Zaroff knows who Rainsford is because he read his book about hunting snow leapords in Tibet. Zaroff is probably a hunter.

How does Rainsford react to Zaroff’s type of hunting?

General Zaroff’s “new animal” was people. How does Rainsford react to Zaroff’s new system of hunting? Rainsford is horrified by Zaroff’s new system of hunting.

What are Zaroff’s rules for the hunt?

Zaroff’s rules to his game are if you refuse to play, you will instead get tortured by Ivan. if you don’t refuse you get a supply of food and a knife. You get three days, if Zaroff finds you, and kills you, you loose. If he doesn’t find you in those three days, then you win.

Who is General Zaroff?

General Zaroff is an extremely wealthy Russian aristocrat who inhabits Ship-Trap Island with his servant, Ivan, and hunts other men, who are, in his words, “the most dangerous game” because of their capacity for reasoning.

Does Rainsford become Zaroff?

It appears that Rainsford wins the game. However, close examination of the ending leaves the question open. The key sentence to consider is this one spoken by Rainsford: “I am still a beast at bay.” Referring to himself as a beast may suggest that he has corrupted himself, like Zaroff.

Why is General Zaroff the antagonist?

Zaroff. Zaroff is our basic refined but amoral Cossack. He is a great antagonist to Rainsford because he makes Rainsford question everything he believed in (as expressed to Whitney on the boat before he fell off).

What details in the description of Zaroff’s unusual dental features and lips foreshadow the truth about his nature?

What details in the description of Zaroff’s unusual dental features and lips foreshadow the truth about his nature? Zaroff’s sharp pointy teeth and smacking red lips dehumanize him to make him seem more monstrous .

How is general Zaroff a paradoxical character?

How is General Zaroff a paradoxical character? he comes from wealth looks like a good guy but is actually a savage because he kills humans. Why has Zaroff grown bored? he is good to the animals and want people and challenge.

How do these excerpts show the difference between Rainsford and zaroff Rainsford believes that animals are inferior?

How do these excerpts show the difference between Rainsford and Zaroff? Rainsford believes that animals are inferior to humans and therefore deserve to be hunted, while Zaroff feels this way about other humans.

Which detail best reveals that Rainsford opposes zaroff’s idea of the ideal prey quizlet?

But I think I can show you that your scruples are quite ill founded.” Which detail best reveals that Rainsford opposes Zaroff’s idea of the ideal prey? “Thank you, I’m a hunter, not a murderer.”

Which detail best reveals that Rainsford opposes zaroff’s idea of the ideal pray?

That is, ‘Thank you, I am a hunter, not a murderer’ is the option which suggests that Rainsford opposed Zaroff’s idea of the ideal prey. Rainsford says that line in a sarcastic way showing his opposing attitude towards the idea that Zaroff presented.

What does zaroff say to show that he places little value on human life?

What does Zaroff say to show that he places little value on human life? “But I think I can show you that your scruples are quite ill founded.” “Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and, if needs be, taken by the strong.”

What conclusion can readers draw about Rainsford based on a visualization of the excerpt?

What conclusion can a reader draw about Rainsford based on a visualization of the excerpt? He is frightened.

How is the general’s character presented differently in the story then in the film adaptation of this scene?

How is the general’s character presented differently in the story than in the film adaptation of this scene? The general displays humor in the story that is lacking in the film.

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