Answer: A: The grey circle icon only appeared in messages. It appears to be a feature to highlight a frequent message contact. I was able to remove it by clicking on “edit pins” and the clicking on the minus sign on the icon.
How do I get rid of the circle on my screen?
Turn-off show touch in Android phone Step 2: Scroll down the list of available options in Developer window. Locate and turn off Show touches option from your Android phone. After disable the show touches feature in Android phone you can check that white circle will be disappear from your phone.
Why is there a circle next to my text message?
Well, the half moon icon next to your iPhone text message indicates you’ve muted that particular contact, or enabled Do Not Disturb mode for that conversation. Apple puts a half moon to identify conversations in that mode. However, this does not mean you won’t receive messages in that conversation.
What does a grey text message mean on iPhone?
Grey is just the color of incoming texts. When you send to someone else who is also using iMessage, as long as there is a good network connection (Wi-Fi or cellular), it should send as a blue message. That means it’s passing through Apple’s messaging server instead of your carrier’s.
Why do I have a circle at the top of my Messages?
Answer: A: Just FYI – That is Pin a text contact to the top feature that you may have accidentally activated. You can keep pinning other members of your Messages app as well for easy access. You can remove the Pinned contacts by Touching and Resting your finger on the pinned contact icon.
What is the circle icon on my phone?
It is a data saver that recently shows in the Nougat update. Data saver helps in accessing the internet in the background so you can save your data connections (when you are on the mobile network, and not on WiFi). This option can save your battery as well as your internet package.
How do I get rid of the moon next to someone’s name?
Answer: A: Yes. If you want to turn it off, select a conversation, tap “Details” in the upper right, and then turn off Do Not Disturb.
Why is there a moon next to my contact?
It means you have muted notifications for that conversation. When the crescent moon icon is shown beside a contact’s name in the messages list in the Messages app, it means that you have selected not to receive notifications about new messages from that contact.
Can you tell if someone blocks your texts?
Try sending a text message The latter is self-explanatory. However, if a person has blocked you, you won’t see either notification. Instead, there will just be a blank space beneath your text. It’s worth noting that being blocked is not the only reason why you might not see a notification.
Why are some contacts grey iPhone?
Grey Contacts using the Messages app? This means you cannot text them. If the contact is green you can send them MMS/SMS and blue contacts mean you can send them iMessages.
How can u tell if someone has your number blocked?
“The simplest way to tell if you have been blocked by an Android user is to call,” Lavelle says. Just like with an iPhone, listen for it to be diverted to voicemail or play you a pre-recorded message.
How do I get rid of the moon next to my text messages?
Open the Messages app and select the conversation where the half moon appears. Next tap on the circle “i” or “Details” button on the top right corner of the messages thread. This will take you to the “Details” screen where you can turn the “Do Not Disturb” mode off.
What symbol is circle with line through it?
The circle with a horizontal line through the middle is a new symbol from Android meaning that you turned on Interruption Mode. When you you turn on Interruption Mode and the circle with line though it shows it, it means that the settings is set to “None” on the Galaxy S7.
What is the gray circle on iPhone screen?
Question: Q: Grey circle in upper left corner of screen Answer: A: It’s probably the AssistiveTouch. Check in your Settings -> Accessibility -> Touch -> AssistiveTouch -> Dwell Control.
Why is my iPhone not making sound when I get a text?
Check Notification Settings for Messages Open Settings and tap Notifications > Messages. Ensure Allow Notifications is green. Next, check the boxes for Lock Screen, Notification Center, and Banners. Tap Sounds and choose a loud message tone.
Why is my phone not notifying me when I get text messages?
You can check notification settings from System Settings > Apps and Notifications > Apps > Messages. Then click on the Notifications option and make sure All Messages notifications is toggled on. Also, Android supports multiple channels for notifications.