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Digital Marketing Features That Will Make Your Life Easier

Several features of Digital Marketing tools can make your life easier. These include Google Analytics, email automation, Data analytics software, SEO reseller, and Social networks. Take a look at the different features and decide which ones are right for your business. These features will make your life easier and your marketing efforts more effective.

Google Analytics

With Google Analytics, you can track and analyze your website traffic and learn what your customers are searching for. This information will help you improve your website’s content, increase conversions, and increase the overall user experience. You can also use Google Analytics to customize and track social media.

For example, suppose you want to understand what your customers are searching for on your website. In that case, you can use Google Analytics built-in features to track and analyze your online marketing efforts. For example, Google Analytics allows you to save multiple profiles for your website and view statistics for various websites easily. The dashboard will let you view default metrics and choose custom ones, such as visited pages and keywords. You can also create custom dashboards and embed them on other websites.

Moreover, Google Analytics provides essential information such as demographics, geographic data, and additional insights that help you better tailor your content maps and ad campaigns. This is vital for digital marketing experts, as it allows them to monitor whether their marketing efforts are working. This will enable you to measure which campaigns bring in more organic traffic. This data will also help show clients and potential clients how your marketing campaigns affect your organic traffic.

Email Automation

One of the best ways to automate your marketing emails is to use an email automation tool. You can use this tool to build your campaigns, segment them, and even send them automatically. These tools allow you to set up different triggers so your emails will be sent at the right time. They also give you analytics to monitor how well they are working. Email automation is a great way to keep your content fresh and improve your sales funnel. However, learning the best ways to use them will take a little time.

One great feature of an email automation tool is its ability to segment customer information into categories based on their interests. This allows you to create campaigns tailored to each type of customer’s needs. For example, if you have a group of leads living in different time zones, you can schedule emails to go out at specific times. Email automation also allows you to personalize your email’s subject line and body so that they speak directly to your target audience.

Data Analytics Software

One of the most valuable digital marketing features is real-time campaign results tracking. You can do this with the help of digital analytics software in marketing platforms like HubSpot. Traditional marketing methods require you to wait until the campaign has concluded before you can see how it is doing. In contrast, digital marketing lets you measure ROI immediately, allowing you to improve your strategy accordingly.

Social Networks

The rise of social media has allowed us to interact and share with other people. But many businesses use it to promote their brand rather than as a platform to build customer relationships. Yet, 42% of consumers expect a response from a company within 60 minutes. In addition, nearly one-third expect to get a response within half an hour. Therefore, a social media marketing strategy should include monitoring the comments and responses from your customers.

A business can use social media to establish itself as a thought leader. Unlike competitors, social media lets a company share innovative content and show a fresh perspective through blog posts and tweets. This will help increase the traffic to your website and ultimately increase the chances of making a sale.

Email Marketing Platform

It has an email marketing platform that allows you to segment your customer list, personalize your content, and implement trigger emails. It also offers a dashboard that gives you a broad overview of your marketing efforts. Segmenting your customers will make your emails more relevant and cut down on the number of emails you send.

If you have an eCommerce website, you’ll be happy to learn that it offers a wide range of eCommerce-specific courses and tutorials. For example, you can learn how to connect your eCommerce store and customize your subscription form. You can also learn how to create an automated welcome and abandoned cart emails.

Moosend also provides email templates with a drag-and-drop editor. With the drag-and-drop editor, you can easily customize your emails and choose the fonts and colors you want. You can even use an image picker to add a visual to your emails. Moosend also allows you to test email deliverability.

Analyzing Digital Marketing

A feature makes your life easier when analyzing your digital marketing. Its AI is designed to help you improve your sales by sending suggestions of similar products and upselling your customers. It also lets you track all the events that happen on your website.

This feature allows you to build dynamic offers and product recommendations based on visitors’ behavior on your website. It also allows you to preview your emails before sending them. It makes email creation easy for even the busiest marketers. It also allows you to apply graphics to your form using the built-in picture picker.

It has a host of features that will improve your email marketing campaigns. You can see your unique and total open rates, click-through rates (CTR), bounce rates, unsubscribes, and more. You can also get reports with heatmaps and a breakdown of how many prospects click on specific links in your emails. Moosend is easy to use and comes with a free plan.